- CARDIM, Pedro, «O monumento ao jesuíta António Vieira, em Lisboa, e o debate sobre a “conquista” e a colonização portuguesas das terras americanas», Língua-lugar: Literatura, História, Estudos Culturais, 3 (junho de 2021) pp. 66-82. [disponível aqui]
FRAGA, Joana, “Representing the King: the images of João IV of Portugal (1640-1656), in: Malte Griesse, Monika Barget and David de Boer (eds.), Revolts and Political Violence in Early Modern Imagery. Brill: Leiden, pp. 198-215. [disponível aqui]
GODINHO, André, «”Grande gloria he perdoar os vencidos”: imagens de justiça, punição e clemência na entrada de Filipe II em Lisboa» in Hacer Historia Moderna. Líneas actuales y futuras de investigación, Iglesias Rodríguez, Juan José; Melero Muñoz, Isabel M. (coords.), Sevilha, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2020, pp. 1332-1345. [disponível aqui]
GODINHO, António Camões, “Uma novela (1554), uma crónica (1557) e uma relação (1588). Como se escrevem paisagens sonoras?”, in Elisa Lessa, Pedro Moreira e Rodrigo Teodoro Paula, orgs., Ouvir e escrever Paisagens Sonoras – abordagens teóricas e (multi) disciplinares, Braga, CEHUM-CMB, 2020. [disponível aqui]
MONTEIRO, Rodrigo Bentes, O papel da cópia, in Monteiro, Rodrigo Bentes (org.). Modernos em curso. Escritos e imagens no tempo. Niterói / Rio de Janeiro: Eduff / Ouro sobre Azul, 2022, p. 157-208. [disponível aqui]
PALOMO, Federico, “Global images for a global worship: narratives, paintings and engravings of the martyrs of Japan in the early modern Iberian worlds”. In Sabina Pavone, Pierra-Antoine Fabre y Giuseppe Capiriotti, eds, Eloquent Images: Evangelization, Conversion and Propaganda in the Global World in Early Modern Period. Lovaina: Leuwen University Press, 2022 pp. 275-298. [disponível aqui]
ROE, Jeremy, “The Relação do torneio que fizeram as damas da Rainha Nossa Senhora, a noite do Baptisado do Sr Infante D. Pedro…: Identification and the Spectacle of Court Culture” in Representing Women’s Political Identity in the Early Modern Iberian World edited by Jeremy Roe and Jean Andrews (London: Routledge, 2021). [disponível aqui]
ROE, Jeremy, “Between erudition and affect: the portrayal and veneration of John IV.” The Portuguese Studies Review, vol. 27(2). [disponível aqui]
ROE, ‘The Trivmphos Festivaes held in Kochi for the acclamation of John IV: ritual, theatre and the spatial dimensions of the Portuguese monarchy’, Culture & History Digital Journal editado por Mercedes García Arenal e Ana Rodríguez. [disponível aqui]
ROE, Jeremy, ‘The aura of the Quinas: ritual and representation in Triumfos festivaes held in Cochin 1641’, Armas e Troféus: Revista de História, Heráldica, Genealgia e Arte, IX Série, Tomo 22, 2020. 439-64. [disponível aqui]
SILVA, Isabel Corrêa da, “Os Braganças de cá e de lá: legitimidade, soberania e os teatros de poder da dinastia”. In 1822. Das Américas Portuguesas ao Brasil. eds. Roberta Stumpf e Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro, Lisboa: Casa das Letras, pp. 151-185, 2022.
SILVA, Isabel Corrêa da e Miguel Metelo de SEIXAS, “Reliques de souveraineté: insignes et rituels royaux au Portugal sous la monarchie constitutionnelle” in Reliques Politiques, eds. Albrecht Burkardt, Jérôme Grévy, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2019. [disponível aqui]
SOARES, Kevin Carreira, “Morrer pela fé no império do Sol Nascente. Os martírios de cristãos no Japão, entre 1597 e 1639”, in Mafalda Soares da Cunha (org.), Resistências. Insubmissão e revolta no Império Português, Lisboa, Leya, 2021, pp. 85-91. [disponível aqui]
SILVA, Isabel Corrêa da e Miguel Metelo de SEIXAS, “Uncrowned kings: rituals and ritual objects in the Portuguese royal acclamation ceremonies (XVIII-XIX centuries)”, European Review of History / revue européenne d histoire – 2020 Manuscript ID CERH-2018-0043.R1. [disponível aqui]
VOIGT, Lisa, “From Spectatorship to Sponsorship: Female Participation in the Festivals of Colonial Potosí.” Representing Women’s Political Identity in the Early Modern Iberian World. Ed. Jeremy Roe and Jean Andrews. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2021. [published Oct. 7, 2020]. [disponível aqui]
VOIGT, Lisa, “All the World on Stage: Performance and Global Knowledge in Early Modern Portuguese Festivals.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 55.1 (2021): 41-64. 10.1353/rvs.2021.0021. [disponível aqui]
VOIGT, Lisa, “The Archive and the Festival.” Journal of Festive Studies 1 (May 2019): 27-35. 10.33823/jfs.2019.1.1.32. [disponível aqui]
VOIGT, Lisa, Colonial Loyalties: Celebrating the Spanish Monarchy in Eighteenth Century Lima. By María Soledad Barbón. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2019. Forthcoming in The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History (book review).
VOIGT, Lisa, Nicholas R. Jones, Staging Habla de Negros: Radical Performances of the African Diaspora in Early Modern Spain. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2019. In Colonial Latin American Review Vol. 29, No. 1 (2020), 168-170. [disponível aqui] (book review)
Em vias de publicação
GOUVEIA, António Camões; PALOMO, Federico Palomo, FÉRNANDEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Laura, eds., Public Rituals in the Portuguese Empire (Londres: Routledge, 2023).
VOIGT, Lisa; FRAGA, Joana; SILVA, Isabel Corrêa da, Special issue Mapping Public Rituals in the Early Modern Portuguese Empire, org. por e a ser publicado no Portuguese Cultural and Literary Studies. (
FRAGA, Joana, Isabel Corrêa da SILVA, “Introduction”, Mapping Public Rituals in the Early Modern Portuguese Empire, org. por Lisa Voigt, Joana Fraga e Isabel Corrêa da Silva, Portuguese Cultural and Literary Studies. (
GODINHO, André, “Abrindo os muros e as entranhas: espaço e corpo nas entradas régias portuguesas (séculos XVI-XVIII)”, in Mapping Public Rituals in the Early Modern Portuguese Empire, org. por Lisa Voigt, Joana Fraga e Isabel Corrêa da Silva, Portuguese Cultural and Literary Studies. (
SOARES, Kevin, “Hierarquias sociais e disciplina religiosa em Macau a partir da observação de rituais na cidade pelas autoridades chinesas (séculos XVII-XVIII)”, Mapping Public Rituals in the Early Modern Portuguese Empire, org. por Lisa Voigt, Joana Fraga e Isabel Corrêa da Silva, Portuguese Cultural and Literary Studies. (
- ROE, Jeremy and Urte KRASSE, eds., Baroque Ritual and the Theatricality of Power in Cochin (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2023).
- CURVELO, Arthur e André Godinho, “Towards a typology of public rituals on the Portuguese Empire (15th-19th centuries)”, in Laura Fernández-González, Federico PALOMO, António Camões Gouveia, Public Rituals in the Portuguese Empire, 1498–1822, Routledge.
- FRAGA, Joana Fraga e Sara CEIA, “Public Rituals and the Printing Press in the Portuguese World”, in: Laura Fernández-González, Federico Palomo, António Camões Gouveia, Public Rituals in the Portuguese Empire, 1498–1822, Routledge.
- FRAGA, Joana, “The Restoration of Independence and the State of India: the case of Cochim”, in Urte Krass and Jeremy Roe (eds.), Baroque Ritual and the Theatricality of Power in Cochin. Amsterdam University Press.
- GODINHO, André, «The Triumph of Temperance: Power, Negotiation and Resistance in Royal Entries in Portugal, 16th-17th Centuries» in Meanings and Practices of Resistance in the Iberian Worlds, 15th-19th Centuries, Pablo Sánchez León e Benita Herreros (eds.), London: Routledge.
- MONTEIRO, Rodrigo Bentes, “Circulations and adaptations”, in Gouveia, António Camões, Palomo, Federico e Fernández-González, Laura (orgs.), Public rituals in the Portuguese Empire, 1498-1822. Routledge.
- PALOMO, F. “Manuscripts and Public Rituals”, in Laura Fernández-González, Federico PALOMO, António Camões Gouveia, Public Rituals in the Portuguese Empire, 1498–1822, Routledge.
- ROE, Jeremy e Alexandra CURVELO, “The Visual and Material Memory of the Ritual”, in Laura Fernández-González, Federico PALOMO, António Camões Gouveia, Public Rituals in the Portuguese Empire, 1498–1822, Routledge.
- SEIXAS, Miguel Metelo e Maria João Ferreira, “Heraldic splendour in contact: Ambassador Alexandre Metelo’s Chinese embroidered coat of arms”, in livro Heraldry in Contact (coord. Urte Krass e Miguel Metelo de Seixas), Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2023
- VOIGT, Lisa , “‘Pública Notícia’: Black Brotherhoods and Corporate Subjectivity in Eighteenth-Century Brazil.” Forthcoming in Slave Subjectivities in the Iberian World. Ed. Ângela Barreto Xavier, Cristina Nogueira da Silva and Michel Cahen, Leiden: Brill.
- XAVIER, Ângela Barreto, “An ocean of words. Rituals, festivals, ceremonies”, in Laura Fernández-González, Federico PALOMO, António Camões Gouveia, Public Rituals in the Portuguese Empire, 1498–1822, Routledge.
- XAVIER, Ângela Barreto e Lisa Voigt, “The other in the Public Rituals in the Portuguese empire”, in Laura Fernández-González, Federico PALOMO, António Camões Gouveia, Public Rituals in the Portuguese Empire, 1498–1822, Routledge.
- XAVIER, Ângela Barreto, “In and Beyond the Empire: Coping with marriage ritual diversity in early modern Goa”, in Elisabeth Heinmans e Sophie Rose, eds., Empires & Diversity (Leiden: Brill, 2023).