De modo a proporcionar outros instrumentos de pesquisa aos investigadores que consultarem o site do RITUALS, nesta secção são disponibilizados links que dão acesso directo a outras bibliotecas e arquivos virtuais considerados particularmente relevantes para a investigação histórica, e, especificamente, para o estudo de rituais no período da época moderna.
Iberian Books
The objective of Iberian Books is to produce a foundational listing of all books published in Spain, Portugal and the New World or printed elsewhere in Spanish or Portuguese during the Golden Age (1472-1700).
Ornamento is a pilot project, exploring the value of creating a European repository of ornamentation and illustration contained in early-printed books. Currently, it contains close to a quarter of a million ornate letters, ornaments, borders, musical notation, diagrams, and illustrations drawn from Iberian print before 1701. You can explore these by searching metadata or via image-matching technology.